
Sales: 800-355-9855
AVB201: Beginning Access VBA Training |
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Tuition: $195.00 per student |
Length: 1 day |
One day beginning Access VBA course. Covers modules, classes, programming constructs, etc. Requires some familiarity with basic programming concepts. |
Custom scheduled corporate groups (min. 2 students) at your facility or via Remote Learning. Single individuals may arrange a private online session. |
Custom scheduled to suit your needs. |
2-4 students 20%, 5-8 30%, >8 quote |
Session 1 | Why VBA? | 3.0 Hours | |
- Using events and event procedures in event driven programming environment.
- Using the VBA Editor.
- Event Types in Access.
- Differentiating between Functions and Sub Procedures.
- Organizing VBA code into modules.
- Using Variables, Scope, and Data Types.
- Exploring and using built-in functions.
|   | Session 2 | VBA Language Constructs and Programming Techniques | 3.0 Hours | |
- Getting interactive with Message boxes.
- Making Decisions: If..Else.., Select Case..
- Making Repetitions simple: Do..While, For..Next
- Calling functions and sub procedures.
- Using VBA editor for effective debugging.
- Handling errors and missing data.
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Students will receive a notebook with a printout of all slides used in their class and a training certificate.
Classes are normally taught on-site at your facilities or via online Remote Learning.
Related Services |
help with a project? We may also provide programming
and consulting services covering the above material. See
Programming and Consulting for more information.
Copyright 2022
D.H.D'Urso & Associates
P.O. Box 6142, Laguna Niguel,
CA 92607
Serving: Orange, Los Angeles, San Diego, Riverside, San Bernardino, Imperial and Ventura counties
and beyond. |
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